Dieci modi perfetti per ridurre il fabbisogno di irrigazione:

  1. Add organic matter: Besides providing nutrients, decomposed organic matter acts like a sponge, retaining moisture in the soil and releasing it to the roots when needed.
  2. Know when plants need water: Most plants only require constant moisture during their early stages and when flowering or fruiting. Understanding their water needs and watering only when necessary can reduce irrigation frequency.
  3. Control weeds: Weeds consume soil moisture and nutrients, harming plants. Keeping the garden free of weeds helps reduce irrigation needs.
  4. Water deeply and thoroughly: When necessary, ensure thorough deep watering. Shallow watering can keep plant roots near the surface, while deep watering encourages root growth to find water deeper in the soil.
  5. Water in the morning: Watering in the morning reduces evaporation and helps prevent disease spread.
  6. Use SAP gel: SAP gel is the best solution for reducing irrigation needs. For details, refer to SAP gel information.
  1. Use water-efficient irrigation systems: Adopting drip irrigation, sprinkler systems, and other water-efficient methods can significantly reduce water wastage.
  2. Choose drought-tolerant plants: Planting species adapted to dry conditions can decrease water requirements.
  3. Cover soil surfaces: Covering soil surfaces reduces water evaporation, keeping the soil moist.
  4. Prune plants regularly: Regular pruning reduces plant transpiration, lowering water loss.


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