腐植酸土壤改良剂--SAP 腐植酸钾复合肥简介

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Introduction to Humate Soil Conditioner

Soil conditioner is a substance added to soil to alter its properties, categorized into fertilizers, soil inoculants, and soil conditioners. While fertilizers provide nutrients and soil inoculants enhance the soil food web, soil conditioners like Potassium Humate Composite SAP improve soil properties.

Humate Soil Conditioner: A Novel Approach

Potassium Humate Composite SAP, also known as Humate Soil Conditioner, is a groundbreaking solution for drought resistance in agriculture. It combines the benefits of potassium humate and SAP (聚丙烯酸钾) to create a unique soil amendment with exceptional water absorption, retention, release, strength, and association properties.

Key Features and Advantages

  1. Water Absorption: This soil conditioner exhibits high water absorption capacity, ensuring efficient moisture uptake by plants.
  2. 保水: Its ability to retain water within the soil acts like a “mini-reservoir,” sustaining plant hydration even in dry conditions.
  3. Water Release: The conditioner releases water gradually, providing a steady supply to plants over time.
  4. Enhanced Soil Properties: It improves soil structure and fertility, promoting healthy seed germination and plant emergence.
  5. Increased Yield: By conserving water and optimizing nutrient availability, it contributes to higher crop and fruit yields.
  6. Potassium Content: The inclusion of potassium supports plant growth and development, while slow-release fertilization enhances nutrient efficiency.
  7. Environmental Benefits: Humate Soil Conditioner is eco-friendly, biodegradable, non-toxic, and leaves no harmful residues, ensuring environmental protection.

In summary, Humate Soil Conditioner offers a holistic approach to soil improvement, benefiting both plant health and environmental sustainability in agriculture.


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