Agriculture Acrylic polymer SAP


Why do plants need water?

Plants require water for several crucial reasons, akin to how we humans need food to sustain ourselves.

  1. Photosynthesis: Water is an essential component in the process of photosynthesis, where plants utilize sunlight, carbon dioxide (CO2), and water to produce their own food.
  2. Structural Support: Water plays a vital role in maintaining the structural integrity of plants, helping them to stay firm and upright.
  3. Nutrient Transport: Water acts as a medium to transport essential nutrients, including inorganic salts, to different parts of the plant.
  4. Transpiration: Plants release excess water through transpiration, which helps in cooling down and preventing damage, similar to how sweating regulates body temperature in humans.

Now, let’s discuss a product that can create a reservoir-like effect for our plants.

Agricultural Acrylic Polymer (SAP) is a functional polymer that has the remarkable ability to absorb water hundreds of times its own weight and transform into a water gel. When plants require water, especially during dry soil conditions, the water gel efficiently delivers water to the plants.

Moreover, SAP not only aids in water conservation but also contributes to reducing the need for excessive irrigation. For more detailed information, please click the button below…

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