super absorbent polymer (SAP) is a type of hydrogel


A super absorbent polymer (SAP) is a type of hydrogel that, when cross-linked, has the ability to absorb aqueous solutions through hydrogen bonding with water molecules. In deionized and distilled water, an SAP can absorb 300-1200 times its weight and transform into a gel. However, its absorbency decreases significantly to around 50 times its weight when exposed to a 0.9% saline solution.

The absorbency and swelling capacity of an SAP are determined by the type and extent of cross-linking agents used in its production. Low-density cross-linked SAPs generally exhibit higher absorbent capacity and swelling, resulting in a softer and stickier gel formation. On the other hand, high cross-link density polymers have lower absorbent capacity and swell less, but they offer a firmer gel strength that maintains particle shape even under moderate pressure.

The mechanism of how SAPs work involves a network of polymeric chains that are interconnected by cross-linking agents. This network structure allows water molecules to be drawn into the polymer through osmosis, where they are stored within the interior of the polymer network.


Agricultural Grade Applications

SAPs find wide application in agriculture, forestry, and gardening, serving as soil water retention agents, seed coatings, mediums for soil-less cultivation, artificial turf components, and more.

  • Benefits:
  1. Enhance seed germination and promote healthy early plant growth.
  2. Conserve irrigation water and increase crop and fruit yields.
  3. Slowly release fertilizer for improved efficiency.

Hygienic Grade Applications

These SAPs are predominantly used in hygiene products such as diapers, sanitary napkins, nursing pads, and pet pads due to their excellent absorption properties, especially under pressure.

  • Notable Performance Features:
  1. Rapid absorption rate.
  2. Effective absorption even under pressure conditions.

Industrial Grade Applications

Industrial-grade SAPs are utilized in diverse applications such as sandbags, protective materials for concrete, waterproof tape and ointments for optical fiber cables, among others.

  • Additional Applications:
  1. Air fresheners.
  2. Cooling materials.
  3. Expanding toys.
  4. Additives in cosmetics.
  5. Special functional coatings.

These SAPs offer versatile functionalities across various sectors, showcasing their adaptability and utility in a wide range of products and industries.

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