Die 5 wichtigsten Dinge, die Sie über superabsorbierende Kristalle wissen sollten


Was sind superabsorbent crystals exactly?

Superabsorbierende Kristalle sind Polymere, die für ihre bemerkenswerte Fähigkeit, Flüssigkeiten zu absorbieren, bekannt sind. Diese Polymere können etwa das 200-2000-fache ihres Gewichts an gereinigtem Wasser aufnehmen und sich dabei in ein Wassergel verwandeln. In Kochsalzlösungen sinkt ihre Absorptionsfähigkeit jedoch auf etwa das 50-fache ihres Gewichts.

GELSAP Feuchtigkeitsspeicherung im Boden
GELSAP Feuchtigkeitsspeicherung im Boden

What are they used for?

Superabsorbent crystals find extensive use in hygienic products such as diapers as they serve as efficient absorbent materials. They are also utilized in industrial applications, including waterproofing materials and anti-flood bags. Moreover, these water gels play a crucial role in providing water to plants, especially during arid seasons, thereby aiding in water retention and increasing crop yields.

How is quality determined?

The quality of superabsorbent crystals varies depending on their intended application. For instance, in hygienic products, the absorbent rate is a critical factor, whereas in agriculture applications, different parameters come into play.

What’s the price range?

The price of superabsorbent crystals varies based on their application. Generally, it ranges from approximately USD 1.8 to 3.5 per kilogram, with significant variations depending on the specific use case.

Where can you purchase them?

For reliable sourcing of superabsorbent crystals, considering a professional supplier like us is highly recommended. We offer quality products and expertise in this field, making us a trustworthy option for your needs.


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