Superabsorbierende Polymere auf Wasserbasis für industrielle Anwendungen



Verringert Reibung und Widerstand in industriellen Prozessen

GELSAP Chemical offers a range of superabsorbierende Polymere (SAP) tailored for absorbing aqueous solutions across various industries. Our SAPs are versatile and find applications in solidifying water-based materials, creating reusable ice packs, and managing body fluids. In industrial environments, these polymers are indispensable, serving purposes from solidifying water in drilling and mining operations to aiding construction projects. They are ideal for any scenario where aqueous solidification and spill management are critical.

Wichtigste Vorteile:

  • Cost-effective: High absorption rates mean less product is required per application, saving costs.
  • Improved production efficiency: SAPs mix quickly, enhancing overall production processes.
  • Lower disposal costs: Reduced by-products lead to lower disposal costs.
  • Reduced labor costs: The rapid and high absorption capacities of our SAPs minimize labor requirements.
  • Environmentally safe: Our SAPs are non-toxic and environmentally safe, suitable for various applications.
  • Versatile blending: They can be blended with other compounds to achieve specific results as needed.
  • Landfill approved: Our SAPs are approved for landfill use, ensuring compliance with waste disposal regulations.

Aqueous solution Applications:

For optimal results, apply the polymer as a thin layer on the aqueous solution, starting from the outer edges and working towards the center. The absorbed solution can then be collected manually or using mechanical means. Our SAPs find applications in:

  • Drilling and mining industries
  • Pond, pit, and lagoon closures
  • Management of hazardous waste streams
  • Lagoon sludge removal
  • Soil stabilization projects
  • Dewatering applications
  • Routine land waste management


The absorption capacity may vary based on the presence of minerals and salts in the aqueous solution. For high salt solutions, we offer low ionicity polymers and crosslinked bisacrylamide polymers upon request. We also provide custom-grade sizes and packaging options to meet specific project requirements (minimum quantities may apply). Contact GELSAP to find the right SAP grade for your project.


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