Wirtschaftliche Vorteile von Superabsorbern bei der Entsorgung radioaktiver Abfälle


The use of a superabsorbierendes Polymer, such as GELSAP® 890 Series Super Absorbents, in radioactive waste management provides a cost-effective solution for stabilizing liquid waste without significantly increasing its volume or weight. Since the transportation and disposal of radioactive waste streams are extremely expensive, even a small increase in waste volume or weight can lead to substantial cost increases.

Although superabsorbent polymers are more expensive than traditional absorbents like Bentonite clay or Portland cement, they offer significant project savings through waste minimization.

For radioactive waste containing high water content, most mineral-based absorbents can double or even quadruple the total waste volume, significantly increasing disposal costs. One B25 box or a 55-gallon drum of waste can quickly turn into two or four containers, making waste management inefficient and costly.

Gelsap Gel Eisbeutel Polymer

The following comparison highlights the potential cost savings when using GELSAP® 890 Series instead of Bentonite:

One Cubic Yard of Low-Level Radioactive Waste (LLRW) Super Absorbents

50% Water / 50% Solids
Bulk Density = 2200 lbs/yd³

Absorbent Bentonite GELSAP® 890 Series
Absorbent Needed for One Yard³ 1000 lbs 44 lbs (2% wt)
Absorbent Unit Cost $0.12/lb** $2.50/lb
Total Absorbent Cost $120.00 $110.00
Estimated Disposal Cost per Yard³ $2000/yd³ $2000/yd³
Absorbed Waste to Dispose 2.5 yds³ 1.0 yds³
Total Cost (including Absorbent) $5120.00 $2062.50
Savings from using GELSAP® 890 Series $3,057.50 per cubic yard

(Assumes Midwest delivered cost of $6.00 per 50 lbs bag of Bentonite)


By utilizing GELSAP® 890 Series, radioactive waste generators can achieve significant cost savings through volume reduction, lower transportation costs, and more efficient disposal. This advanced superabsorbent polymer not only ensures effective waste stabilization but also offers a sustainable and cost-efficient approach to radioactive waste management.


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