Wie wird Kaliumpolyacrylat verwendet?


Potassium polyacrylate, a superabsorbent polymer, is widely used across various industries due to its remarkable water-absorbing properties. Here are several common applications of potassium polyacrylate:


GELSAP HydrogelS
GELSAP HydrogelS

Bodenverbesserer: Kaliumpolyacrylat wird in der Landwirtschaft als Bodenverbesserer eingesetzt. Wenn es dem Boden zugesetzt wird, verbessert es die Wasserspeicherung und fördert so ein optimales Feuchtigkeitsniveau für das Pflanzenwachstum. Dies ist besonders in trockenen Regionen oder Gebieten mit unregelmäßigen Niederschlägen von Vorteil.

Applications and Methods of Using Potassium Polyacrylate

Potassium polyacrylate, widely known for its superior water retention properties, is utilized in various applications to improve soil moisture and crop productivity. Despite having the same primary component, its raw materials and processing techniques differ, leading to diverse functionalities in different contexts.

1. Soil Water Retention Agent Application:

Primary Use: Crop planting and transplantation.
Mechanism: Absorbs and releases water in the soil repeatedly, creating a “micro-reservoir” around the crop roots, ensuring sufficient moisture.


Water Savings: Can reduce irrigation water by up to 45%, proven to save up to one-third of water usage in agricultural practices.
Increased Yield: Enhances crop growth and productivity, with some cases showing up to a 60% increase in yield.
Transplant Success Rate: Increases transplant survival rates up to 98%.
Fertilizer Efficiency: Improves basal fertilizer utilization by 25-45% and water-soluble fertilizer utilization by 30-60%.
Labor Cost Reduction: Decreases irrigation frequency and fertilization needs, saving up to 45% in labor costs.
Umweltfreundlichkeit: Completely degradable in soil, posing no pollution risk.

2. Coated Water Retention Agent Application:

Primary Use: Seed coating, a technique already applied in agriculture.


Sustained Moisture Supply: Absorbs and stores large amounts of water, gradually releasing it to seeds during dry conditions, enhancing germination and seedling survival.
Improved Seed Environment: Maintains a moist environment around seeds, promoting germination, especially in dry or uneven rainfall areas.
Slow Release of Fertilizers and Pesticides: Can be combined with fertilizers and pesticides, gradually releasing nutrients and protection agents to seeds and seedlings, increasing efficiency and reducing waste.
Enhanced Seed Quality: Coating smoothens and regulates seed surfaces, improving sowing performance and precision, aiding in mechanized sowing and operational efficiency.
Seed Protection: Provides physical protection against mechanical damage and pests, improving seed storage and transport stability.

Gartenbau und Gärtnerei:

GELSAP Wasserrückhaltemittel
GELSAP Wasserrückhaltemittel

Wasserrückhalt in Blumenerden: Kaliumpolyacrylat kann in Blumenerden eingearbeitet werden, um die Wasserrückhaltung zu verbessern und eine gleichmäßige Wasserversorgung der Pflanzen zu gewährleisten. Dies ist besonders nützlich bei Topfpflanzen und im Landschaftsbau.


Kühlende Gel-Packs: Kaliumpolyacrylat wird für die Herstellung von kühlenden Gelpackungen verwendet. Wenn sie hydratisiert sind, können diese Packungen eine kühlende Wirkung haben, was sie für medizinische Anwendungen, Sport und Erste Hilfe nützlich macht.


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